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rocket launcher [gun] 火箭發射裝置[發射筒]。

rocket motor

This paper is an important part of the pre - studied national defense task in the tenth five year plan about the study on improving existing rocket launcher to the launcher that using canister . this paper presents the whole procession of the comprehensive evaluation for the possible projects by using the weapon intelligent decision support system ( widss ) . and the dynamic analysis and results of the comprehensive evaluation are given 在十五期間重點預研課題“火箭箱式發射技術”中,我們利用武器智能決策支持系統( weaponintelligencedecisionsupportsystem ,簡稱widss )在所調查的專家知識的基礎上生成遠程多管火箭炮箱式發射設計方案評價系統,并運用虛擬樣機技術對現有遠程火箭炮系統和箱式改造方案進行建模和動力學仿真計算,將仿真結果輸入評價系統中進行方案性能評價,為課題的方案選擇和確定提供了科學的依據。

New developments in decision theory , artificial theory and dynamic analysis method are applied to evaluation the possible projects . the main contents in this paper are included as follows : first , has improved an format reasoning method based on multiple attribute utility model and knowledgebase theory ; second , has proposed complex utility model by improving the theory of multiple attribute utility ; third , has presented a kind of weapon intelligent decision support system , based on the complex utility model and developed with com / dcom criterion ; forth , this paper also has build the dynamic simulation model for long - rang multiple tube rocket launcher system , and the tire dynamic model has applied in the rocket launcher system dynamic simulation model ; fifth , through building the rocket - launcher contact model , this paper has analyzed the dynamic forces between the rocket and launcher ; finally , this paper has build the evaluation model of the project about improving existing rocket launcher to the launcher that using canister , and get the conclusion through using the widss . the studies in this paper not only proposed scientific warrant to the choice of projects in this pre - studied national defense task about improving existing rocket launcher to the launcher that using canister , but also can give other studied tasks with decision supported 主要內容包括:在總結決策分析與專家系統規則庫技術的基礎上,提出了融決策分析與專家系統規則庫技術于一體的形式化推理機制,該機制能有效的將定量計算和定性知識融為一體,將規范的決策分析解題過程與專家系統特有的演化推理方法有機結合起來;在多屬性效用理論的基礎上,建立了一般形式的復式效用模型,并實用化了全相關乘式效用模型,提供了較完善的通用建模、分析和解釋功能:引入了com dcom組件技術,開發了基于組件的widss系統,該系統基于形式化推理機制,易于擴展,能夠面向多種決策問題,具有較強的通用性;建立了遠程多管火箭炮全炮動力學仿真模型,將充氣輪胎動力學模型、輪胎和路面的相互作用模型運用于多管火箭炮動力學仿真計算中;利用碰撞接觸理論,對火箭彈在定向器管內的運動受力情況進行了仿真計算;建立了遠程多管火箭炮箱式發射改進方案模型,并利用動力學仿真計算結果在widss系統中進行了方案性能評估。

With regard to the practical problem that improving some kind of existing rocket launcher to the launcher that using canister , the general project and some detail design which based on the performance and technology in existence are given in this paper 本文針對某型號火箭炮改為箱式發射這一實際問題,以該火箭炮現有的性能特點、技術水平和未來發展的趨勢為依據,進行了總體方案和部分機構改進方案的設計,給出了四種可行的總體方案。

The dynamic model build in this paper also has important reference value for some projects . for example , the alteration to lighting the long - rang multiple tube rocket launcher system , the project about shipped rocket launcher system 本文的研究工作,不僅為本項目的方案選擇和確定提供了科學的依據,而且在以后的項目研制中,本文所建立的決策推理機制、開發的軟件系統也將發揮重要的輔助決策作用。

Collimator is a kind of high precision apparatus . the principle is testing tiny by optics imaging . it can be used to revise the kickstand of aircraft and the launch kickstand of missile , to check the gesture of rocket launcher 變形測角儀是一種應用光學成像測微原理工作的高精度測試儀器,它可以被用于校正飛行器的機架和導彈發射架,檢測火箭發射器的姿態。

In the adams software environment , the force of rocket launcher joint parts under the two sail conditions of transverse wave and oblique wave is calculated in the process of the servo system control motion 用adams軟件求解了某火箭炮在橫浪和斜浪2種航行狀態下,以大正弦規律調炮時各連接部位的受力情況。

The paper presents in brief the measurement system project design on multi - barrel parallelism of the long - distance multi - barrel rocket launcher and emphasizes on the digital image processing part 本文簡單介紹了遠程多管火箭炮定向管平行性測量系統的方案設計,著重論述了其中的數字圖像處理部分。

Other weapon systems onboard the type 052c destroyer include the type 730 seven - barrel 30mm close - in weapon system ( ciws ) and 18 - tube multiple rocket launchers shown in this photo 其它機載武器系統的種類包括7307管近距離武器系統及18多個管火箭炮,在這張照片都有顯示

Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with soviet armoured divisions ; tanks , rocket launchers , motorised infantry , rumbling along in the deep dead of night 有一天,他很晚才回家,發覺路上盡是蘇聯裝甲師,坦克、火箭炮、機動步兵團在深夜中隆隆前進。

The third little piggy built his house of 300 tons of re - enforced cement and steel , with 5 automatic sentry guns , 4 sniper towers , and a rocket launcher for the hell of it 第三只小豬用300噸水泥合鋼建造了房子,有5個佩槍的自動哨兵, 4個狙擊手,還有一個火箭發射塔。

For instance , if your foot soldiers ' path is blocked , you can order them to use mortars or rocket launchers to attempt to destroy whatever ' s standing in their way 比如,若你的步兵被阻擋了,你可以命令他們使用迫擊炮或火箭筒去試圖摧毀阻擋住他們前進的任何東西。

Other experts , and the iraqis themselves , argue that they are really to produce the rocket bodies for a conventional weapon , a multiple rocket launcher 另一些專家認為和伊拉克辯解稱,他們是用于制造常規武器的火箭彈彈體。

The products have been used for military vehicle power supply , rocket launcher ground control devices and analogue aerospace station system 已應用于軍用車載電源、火箭發射地面控制裝置及模擬空間倉等系統中。

The servo motion dynamics of the ship - borne rocket launcher under the condition of ship sway is studied 摘要該文研究了某艦載火箭炮在艦船搖擺情況下隨動系統調炮時的火箭炮受力問題。

His favourite gadget is a russian - made rocket launcher which holds 40 three metre - long missilles 他最喜歡的還是那個俄制的火箭發射器,它可載40枚三米的火箭。

The results provide calculational basis to the aiming mechanism design of ship - borne rocket launcher system 計算結果為艦載火箭炮瞄準機的設計提供了依據。

The model of ship - borne rocket launcher system is simplified and built by virtual prototype technology 通過虛擬樣機技術對艦載火箭炮系統進行簡化和建模。

Rocket launcher is the key for us to escape from the gravitational pull of our home planet 為了脫離地球重力的困綁,火箭成為了解開重力枷鎖的鎖匙。

Dynamic characteristic analysis of rocket launcher while launching double rockets simultaneously 2枚火箭同時發射時火箭炮動態特性分析